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The Magic of Music

Writer's picture: SilverWolfSilverWolf

Updated: Feb 28, 2021

Music always captures the soul! I find there is great power and a powerful message behind music. Yet music invokes emotion, and I find that's the most powerful part about music. I remember an older man I spoke to once. He said before pop music or before 'The Beatles' songs came out. That was before the war. Everyone looked so dull, grey. Soul-less eyes. But he said rock and roll music. When it came in, it changed all that! It changed the way people thought and acted. Think about Hippies and that -'peace' movement.

No really, music is powerful! And shamans believe everything has a soul. But really can music have a soul, an inner being. Really? Or could art have a soul, when you look at a piece of art and see it staring back at you? Could literature and the characters in books have a soul? Think of Harry Potter for instance? Or could characters from films have an emotional being as well?

A practice I came across called Art magick changed all that. And of what I previously thought about art. The practice of art magick is literally the process of doing magical spells through doing art. And even being able to create and transform spiritual entities. By the form of painting a picture.

But going back to that part about music, music is also powerful! When shamans drum they go into a trance like state in a common practice which is called shamanic journeying. And travel to other worlds. Using the music as a vessel to carry them! One way this works is the drum beat is similar to the beat of one's own heart.

Well, you probably have seen people dancing the night away in night clubs. Or even in some Christian church meetings they have loud booming music. Which has an instant effect on those singing and worshiping there. Causing them to hold their arms up and sing passionately. If you want see it from that perspective? Or if you went into a Buddhist temple, Gongs and bells. Mixed with the sweet smell of incense.

In my opinion music can be used to honor the gods/esses. Honor the elements. From getting deep emotions off your chest, express that inner pain you hold inside. It can be used to manifest or bring something into your life. Or let something go.

Here's an exercise of how to create a song. Probably the first thing to do is think of a hidden message you want to portray through the song you're about to write.

Then link that hidden message to an emotion. For example, you could come up with something like Hades. And the emotion that's linked to the hidden message Hades could be releasing inner pain. And if you want you could honor the god Hades at the same time through your song.

Or another example if you want it to be linked to healing it could be linked to Apollo. And the emotion that could evoke could be quite a fiery emotion. And the song could start- 'A golden quiver blazing like the morning song?' Perhaps you could come up with something better but anyway?

The next step is to try and sneak that message, or that magical enchantment into the song. And perhaps the best way that's done is starting at quite a slow beat... Then building up the momentum. Then when the momentum of the music is at its peak you can release the word, or release it as a riddle of a rhyme. The spell is cast!

Often when artists, writers or pianists in this case really get into the rhythm of a song. The song literally takes over. And like Beethoven they start banging on the keyboard. Expressing themselves on a very deep level. And let the song take over. But also at the same time, from a spiritual perspective they become more aware on the spiritual level.

And spirits in some cases the spirits can even manifest through them. As they are in that trance like state. And this is partly to do with the crown at the top of the head. And you never know you might even get psychic messages while in that state. Or even messages from spirit guides. Though my tip, don't try to control what they're saying through you. The more you do that. The more you'll get mental blocks. But instead just let the song flow without trying too hard!

Sometimes if I'm writing a slightly longer song. I might repeat the sentence referring to the message I'm trying to portray through the song. As a way of a gentle reminder of the theme of the song. Remember when you finish the song you want your listener to get a sense of fulfillment. From listening to your song. That way it sort of sticks in their heads. Adding to the already generating magical power of the music.

Ok, that does seem a bit technical. But if you do have a message coming to you about a song to work on. That hasn't been invented before. Perhaps it's the spirit's prompt to go ahead and write that song! And see where it takes you!

Something to work on. Here's a shorter and slightly easier way, though again it's something that takes practice. And it's a great way of learning to hear spirit's voice or connect to a certain god or goddess. And also a way of learning to connect to them better. You need a drum and somewhere you won't be disturbed. First choose a god or goddess you want to sing to. Start playing the drum, first just slowly try to get into the rhythm of it. Now slowly start to sing a song to them while beating the drum. At points you might get caught out or not know what to say. But try to keep singing despite your mistakes. And just try not to pause to long between notes. It can even help to know a bit about your god's background before starting. You'll know when to finish the song. And thank your god or goddess after. Somehow I think Loki would be an interesting god to work with for this exercise? I've done this exercise with Apollo, and I find it's a great way of working with and connecting with him!

Blessings- Silverwolf

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